Full-Stack Developer Python/ReactJS

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Job description

Join us! Resistance is futile!
You’ll fit right in if you care about working on applications that are putting the customer needs first. At Gorgias, we work hard, so our customers have an easier job! We also like working with people that “get stuff done” and are confident about pushing their code to production many times a day. You’re also one of those people that cares about becoming a better engineer and human every day. Learning never stops; we help each other get better! If getting your hands dirty in a real-world application that touches the lives of millions is your thing, then yeah, Gorgias is for you.

Engineering Team Culture
Getting Stuff Done, Ownership, Team Work, Excellence, and Agility.

You should join us if you want to ship stuff fast without sacrificing quality. We’ve put great importance on testing our code, cleaning it, treating errors first, and features later.

We also value growth and ownership. People make mistakes. We learn from them to avoid them in the future. We cannot achieve excellence if there are no bumps in the road.

What You’ll Do

  • This position is for the Apps Channels team. Your mission will be to :
  • Develop a Platform of APIs to build messaging integrations on top of Gorgias
  • Maintain existing Native Channels Apps
  • Add new features to the existing Channels Apps
  • Implement the most requested Channels Apps for Gorgias

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